RLNC Standardization Efforts Progressing

We're excited by the joint standardization effort and submission of an Experimental Internet Draft (I-D) to the Network Coding Research group of the Internet Reseach Task Force (IRTF) - a research-focused organization parallel to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). A big thank you to our partners at Steinwurf and Inmarsat with great work from Janus Heide, Shirley Shi, Muriel Medard & Vince Chook in driving forward the effort to develop practical implementations of RLNC and contribute to the research and standardization of network coding-enabled internet communication. Follow the link to view the I-D submitted last week, describing the use of RLNC schemes (specifically RLNC encoded symbol representation in data packets in the context of varying data frame sizes). We look forward to continuing our contribution to standardization and discussing the work at the upcoming IETF 101 meeting in London from 17-23 March and invite members of the network coding community to provide their valuable comments and inputs.


RLNC as a Network Layer Code


Muriel Médard wins Edwin H Armstrong Award 2017