Reliable storage in dynamic environments using RLNC
Do you ever worry about losing access to your data because of server outages, hacking, or random acts of the internet - such as someone unplugging a master power cable so they can charge their Nintendo Switch at work!?!
Well we don't, because with RLNC-powered distributed storage products such as SkyFlok, you can repair and rebuild your data so fast you wont notice any blips. Check out the simulation in our latest video to learn more.
Fitzek, Frank H.P., Tamas Toth, Aron Szabados, Morten V. Pedersen, Daniel E. Lucani, Marton Sipos, Hassan Charaf, and Muriel Medard. “Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Distributed Cloud Storage Solutions Using Random Linear Network Coding.” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC) (June 2014).